There are two main categories when factoring the amount of time water main installation will take. The first factor is to determine if you are replacing an existing water main or if you are installing a new water line to a new city wet tap connection.
Water main and new wet tap connection
When installing a water line and connection for a domestic or sprinkler service, the paperwork and permits usually take more time than the actual water main installation process. The details on required plans and permits will vary pending the specifics of the water main installation. New water line installation is usually quicker if you are installing a domestic line than if you are installing a sprinkler service.
Using old wet connection |
New wet tap connection |
Replacing an existing water main
In many cases a homeowner will replace an existing water main if it is leaking, have low water pressure or if they want to replace an existing lead pipe with a new copper pipe. If the existing pipe is leaking the plumber can obtain an emergency DOT permit to expedite the process.
The average water main installation including anywhere from 20’ to 65’ of new copper pipe should be completed within one day. There are a few variables that will have an impact on the exact time.
- How are the digging conditions? Does your property sit on a street that has sand below or do you have large boulders that will take longer to excavate around?
- What side of the street is the city water main on? Is the job a “short water”, meaning that the city water main is on your side of the street? Or is it a “long water” where you will have to install new pipe from the other side of the street? A long water requires more time to install.
- Is your installation a “straight run” or are there hurdles to work around such as, an elevated property, your meter is set back in the house or cannot dig in certain areas due to restrictions?
Long water main |
Short water main |
The average water main will take anywhere from 5-10 hours pending the variables mentioned above.
The water line installation process
The average underground water main installation will require anywhere from 1 to 2 holes in the street and the same for the property/sidewalk. The installation crew will make tunnels below ground with compressed air and when completed, they will install the new copper water main.
Opening roadway |
Underground tunnel |
Installing copper |
Contact Harris Water Main & Sewer Contractors with any questions regarding your water main or sewer line installation – 718-416-6357