A functional water main is an essential part of any residential or commercial building. It is what connects a space to the community’s water source. However, installing these systems is extremely labor intensive, which is why most experts recommend leaving this task to the professionals.
Even so, it’s still valuable to understand what goes into this process. This is why we wanted to provide a quick overview of installing and connecting water mains.
Locating Original Pipework
Before installing any other pipe work, it’s essential that technicians are aware of where preexisting pipework is. Otherwise, when operators dig into the earth outside the home or business, they may unintentionally damage or destroy other water pipes.
To do this, technicians will use specialized machinery designed to help locate pipes beneath the ground. This machinery connects to the pipes, causing them to transmit a signal that can be detected by a wireless wand that is waved over the street or yard.
Excavations and Tunnel Making
When the original pipes are located, a team will be able to remove upper layers or dirt and asphalt in order to create a space for the new pipes.
For some areas, this means creating a pipe trench. However, in urban areas, this means diggings a few holes, then using compressed air to create a trenchless tunnel. This allows workers to install tunnels under the ground while minimizing disruption to the streets and sidewalks on the surface.
Prepare and Install Pipework
At this point, the team can install the pipework. For those using a pipe trench, this is simply a matter of laying the pipes and then connecting them. But when you are using a trenchless tunnel, workers will have to connect the pipes to a chain and pull them through the tunnels.
When the pipework is in place, plumbers can attach fittings to the end of the pipe and then connect it to the city’s main water pipe. From there, it’s only a matter of refilling the holes with dirt and temporary asphalt.
At Harris Water Main and Sewer we know how to install and connect water mains. That’s why we’ve been a trusted source for NYC water main replacements for over a hundred years.