Fix Your FDNY Violation for Curb Box or Curb Valve Sleeve

  Have you received a FDNY violation, DOB or DOT violation as a result of your…

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Water Main or Sewer Repair Requires Concrete Restoration

In many cases when you are required to have a water main or sewer repair the…

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What Size Water Line Does Your House Require?

If you’ve never considered the size of your home’s water line before, you are hardly alone.…

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Avoid Sewer Back Ups Forever

People tend to ignore their sewer line until they are experiencing an issue. It is important…

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OS&Y Valve Does Not Work – Can You Close the Curb Valve?

There are many scenarios where you may need to close the OS&Y valve however, the valve…

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Mistakes People Make That Damage the City’s Sewer System

When you live in a place like New York City, where everything and everyone is in…

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Discovering NYC’s Water Main System: How Water Gets to NYC

New York City has one of the largest and most technically impressive water supply systems in…

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Water Main Leak Detection Using Sound – Sonoscope

There are two common scenarios when facing a leaking water main. The first would be a…

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The Importance of Maintaining Your Sewer Line

The sewer line that goes to your home is one of the most important systems that…

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How to Operate a Ball Valve & Gate Valve

Ball vales and gate vales are easily confused for "the valve that stops water from running…

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