What Does a Sinkhole Mean In Front of Your House

In NYC it is common for a property owner to become aware of a sinkhole on…

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This History Behind Harris Water Main & Sewer

As a company and a family we are proud of the success over the previous 103…

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Tips To Prevent Freezing Sewer Lines

Sewer lines can freeze, even if they are buried below the frost line. Extremely cold weather…

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Common Reasons Why Water Mains Break

Water mains in New York City are an average of 66 years old. Old pipes become…

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Water main cost pricing

How to Install Your New Water Main

It is common for our customers to inquire about all of the details associated with a…

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Emergency Water Main Repair Times Square NYC

The property owner of an office building in the heart of New York City was caught…

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Common Misconceptions About Fire Sprinkler Systems

Most cities’ building codes require fire sprinkler systems in commercial and some residential buildings. Model building…

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Sewer Repair Estimate Factors- Why So Expensive?

Lets face it, if you have to repair a sewer line your pipe is backing up…

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Water Main Leak Repaired Bayside Queens

A new homeowner in Bayside Queens called us frantically last week after becoming aware of a…

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How To Identify the Main Sewer Cleanout for Your House

A clog in your home’s main drain line can cause a nasty backup. That drain line…

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Emergency Service
  • 718-280-9525
  • 718-228-7517
  • info@harriswatermain.com
HARRIS WATER MAIN & SEWER·2600 Atlantic Avenue · Brooklyn · NY · 11207
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