Electrolysis Cause of Water Main Leak Springfield Gardens Queens

We explained to Mr. Young that electrolysis is actually a common occurrence in his area over…

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Do Water Main & Sewer Repairs Require NYC Parks Dept. Certified Arborists?

The truth of the matter is that we are required to have a NYC Parks Department…

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Tap Hole Water Main Leak Fixed on Emergency Basis

The biggest issue was that NYC was expecting a massive snow storm and the homeowner would…

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Water Line Leak Repaired Flatbush Ave. Brooklyn

Harris arrived on site to investigate and was able to divert the leaking water into the…

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How to Keep Water Safer for NYC Residents

Most homeowners want to know “what else can I do to ensure that my water is…

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Roots in Sewer Line Instant Fix

More than 50% of homes throughout Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan & the Bronx have a tree growing…

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Cease & Desist Notice Issued for Broken Sewer Brooklyn

We had replaced a water main for a single family brownstone in Brooklyn two years prior,…

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Sewer Backup Fixed with Pipe Repair

Three months later he called us in a panic and sent a few pictures of the…

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Utility Company Breaks Water Main to be Replaced on Emergency Basis

On Tuesday evening we received a phone call from a homeowner in New York City who…

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The Importance of an On Site Visit for Water Main & Sewer Repair Estimates

These days a water main and sewer contractor can simply google any address and get a…

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  • 718-280-9525
  • 718-228-7517
  • info@harriswatermain.com
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