Does a Decrease In Water Pressure Equal a Broken Water Main?

There are several reasons why a homeowner would have low water pressure, or experienced a recent…

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Water Main Break Gushes Through Sidewalk in Jamaica Queens

The unexpected occurred early Tuesday morning, the owner of a single family residence in Queens noticed…

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A Sewer Installation Visual Explanation NYC

We have created a video to assist in the visual aspect of a sewer installation. It…

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Different Types of Water Main Leaks Explained

When a water main leaks it is completely unexpected and in most cases, not easily identified…

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3 Steps to Take for Leaking Water Main at Foundation Wall

Perform a noise test on the water line. You should first tell everyone in the house…

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Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Broken Water Mains and Sewers in NYC ?

Water mains and sewer breaks are a common occurrence throughout NYC, approximately 11,000 property owners will…

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Ductile Iron Fire Sprinkler Main Break – Flushing, Queens

Luckily the wet connection valve was successfully closed without causing any additional damage. What was expected…

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Basement Flooded After Stolen Water Meter During Home Renovation

A family in Queens recently purchased their first home after becoming aware of a great deal…

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The Risk of Repairing a Water Main VS. Replacing The Entire Pipe

A water main leak is a common occurrence that happens throughout the five boroughs of NYC…

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New Sewer Installation on Leonard St, Manhattan

A residential building in downtown Manhattan had been experiencing a bad sewage like odor in their…

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