Plumber an Essential Business During Pandemic?

As we continue to deal with the coronavirus homeowners throughout NYC are inquiring about emergency plumbing work and if a plumber qualifies as an essential business. It appears that many property owners were aware that their pipes had been close to failing for many reasons and now want to plan ahead in the event they require an emergency plumbing repair.

First it is important to understand that on March 20th, 2020 Governor Andre Cuomo announced that all non-essential businesses in New York should keep their employees at home as a result of the pandemic.

Along with this announcement there were a list of different types of businesses who were designated as an essential building allowing them work under the “stay at home” order. One of the trades under the essential infrastructure class were public and private utilities and public water and wastewater.

There are many plumbing companies that do not fall under this criteria such as service work, testing back flow preventers and new construction installations.

If your plumber is completing emergency work as a result of a broken or leaking pipe he/she is approved to work as an essential business throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Recent work completed in Queens

A customer of ours received a DEP 3 day notice violation for their water main leaking which had to be replaced on an emergency basis.

Water main leak

The entire water main was replaced form the street to inside the house in one day. While working in the house all technicians were equipped with the required safety equipment to avoid any spread.

copper water main

Recent work completed in Manhattan

Our customer lost the ability to use their sewer line due to a collapsed pipe. This work qualified as an emergency as well due to the severity and the inability for the property owner to use any water

The old clay pipe

The entire sewer line was replaced within two days including DEP inspections and permits.

New cast iron sewer

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    • 718-228-7517
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