When to Replace Your Fire Sprinkler System

When to Replace Your Fire Sprinkler System

New York, like many other east coast cities, boasts many beautiful vintage buildings. Fire sprinkler systems have been around since the mid-nineteenth century, evolving as fire protection technology improved. Each city has its own rules and timelines for inspections but building owners should make their own visual inspections of fire sprinkler systems. If you own a commercial building, know the signs of when to replace your fire sprinkler system. If you have any doubts or concerns, contact a licensed plumber to repair or replace damaged components or the entire system.

Leaks and Corrosion

The most obvious clues about when you need to replace your fire sprinkler system are leaks or signs of corrosion. If you notice water bubbling up through the sidewalk in front of the building or in the parkway between the sidewalk and the building’s exterior wall, the water service pipe that supplies the sprinkler system may be leaking.

Corrosion or leaks inside the building or at the point the water supply enters from the street may indicate that the curb valve or the water service pipe that supplies the sprinkler system are also corroded or leaking.


Records should show when the structure was built. The fire sprinkler system isn’t necessarily as old as the building, but it is not unheard of for some systems installed in the 1920s to still be in place. Sometimes, the city records will include a date or its style or materials indicate that the valve is very old and in danger of disintegrating. Building owners who attempt to address an interior leak by turning off the exterior curb valve may find they can’t budge it or mismanage the valve by applying too much force. When the professional plumber arrives, they find a valve that is too old to perform and must be replaced. If the curb valve needs replacement, it is very likely that the water service pipe below ground should also be replaced.

Notice of Violation

An obvious sign you need to replace your fire sprinkler system is receiving a notice of violation from the NYPD, the DEP, or the DOB in New York City. One common violation is the lack of a curb valve. In New York City, installing a curb valve to remedy a violation, connecting to the city water to supply the sprinkler system, or repairing an existing connection to the main requires an expert plumber experienced in this kind of exterior and underground work. A new water connection requires a Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) inspection. Harris Water Main and Sewers provides fire sprinkler installation in New York City and can ensure the plans and connections meet all city requirements.

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